Going on vacation is always a lot of fun...and now more than ever it is also a lot of work! We spent the last 5 days in Colorado visiting my family which was wonderful! The best part of it was that our visit was a surprise to my father for his 60th birthday!
On Thursday after flying in, my sister and law and her three boys picked Dan and I and our two up and took us to Grandma's house. Gabriel had been SOOO excited to see Grandma he could hardly stand it! We waited around for Grandpa to come home. It was no surprise for him to see Amy's car at the house since that is pretty common, but when he came inside he did a double take as he saw Gabriel playing with the other boys! (Dan and I were hiding and Maddox was asleep). We got the whole thing on camera - it was great!!
The best part was that the surprises were just beginning! On Saturday my mother had coordinated a dizzying amount of details to get my dad out on a motorcycle ride for the day and at least 55 people packed into a small school house to wait for his riding buddy to lead him up! He was fully confused when Terry pulled into the dirt parking lot, but started to get suspicious when he saw my brother's truck parked ahead (and then my mother and her camera peeking out the window). It was pretty funny and fun! Gabriel and Maddox got to meet several of my cousins for the first time and had endless fun playing with his older cousins. He took some seriously good naps!!!
And now we're back! We're heading to Colorado again in July, but we are sure wishing we had decided to drive there this time instead of flying! Getting through security is quite a trick with two kids (one who you can't set down and the other who runs away) a double stroller, a carseat, and our bags through all without shoes, jackets, toys, etc...and then we have to put everything back together again! On the way home they decided that the diaper bag looked particularly dangerous and removed every single neatly packed item from it for examination...and then of course stuffed it all back in with no organization at all! Over all it went well though. The kids did great on the flight, and we had lots of fun visiting with family.
Now it's time for catch up! Laundry, dishes, cleaning, emails, phone calls, and tomorrow is my first OB appointment for the baby! (Did I mention that I'm pregnant?) Supposedly this office does an ultrasound even this early, so it should be pretty cool to see my little peanut! Obviously there will be no Aikido for awhile after all :(.
As for sewing...well, obviously I haven't done any, but I plan to. Last night I put the magnetic clasp in one bag which just needs a final seam and press, and then I cut out the pieces for two more bags I hope to get started on this week.
No pictures this post, but I'm sure I'll make up for it in a day or two!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
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